All the 28 posts advertised in LinkedIn must be for the indigenous tribal of Meghalaya: KSU

Shillong, Sept 23: The Khasi Student Union (KSU) today has written to Mr. Sampath Kumar IAS, Development Commissioner, Planning, Investment, Promotion and Sustainable Development Department (PIPSDD), Government of Meghalaya objecting on the advertisement in LinkedIn is not an official website of the Government of Meghalaya.

The recruitment through Bharti Institute of Public Policy, ISB, the Khasi Students’ Union – Employment Monitoring Cell through this missive would like to express its discontent over the recruitment and enrolment process for policy makers under the Meghalaya District Research Fellowship (MDRF) for not applying a fair and transparent method.

The Bharti Institute of Public Policy in collaboration with PIPSDD, Government of Meghalaya has posted on LinkedIn in the month of September for 28 posts which includes 24 posts of District Research Fellows, 2 posts for Data Scientists and Senior Researchers and 1 post each for Senior District Research Fellow and Project Coordinator.

Firstly, the Union would like to express that LinkedIn is not an official website of the Government of Meghalaya to advertise for any employment opportunities. Any employment opportunities must be out in public domain through the official websites and local newspapers.

Although, in the instant case it’s the ISB who posted for such recruitment on LinkedIn but the Government has failed to published any information in this regard in their official websites making the recruitment process secretive and private, hampering and limiting the opportunities of the indigenous tribals of the State and raising concerns of nepotism being involved.

Secondly, the mode of selection, qualification is totally ambiguous which makes all this recruitment process a sham. Without any proper criteria and procedures put in place, the Union fails to see how the recruitment process is going to be fair and transparent.

Thirdly, the ISB in their initial post on LinkedIn stated that 50% of the vacancies will be filled by non-domiciles of Meghalaya but it was later removed.

The Union strongly opposes to such kinds of outlook by such agencies whereby they bring non-domiciles of Meghalaya to work in the State seizing the opportunities of the indigenous tribals of the State.

Fourthly, the ISB stated in LinkedIn that the people appointed in the said posts will work and support the District Magistrate & Collectors in implementation of various development schemes and addressing issues at the district level.

It’s an irony that the State Government does not believe in the capabilities of the District Magistrates and Collectors of the State even after passing equivalent examinations through MPSC and  UPSC, etc., that they will be able to implement various development schemes and address the various issues on their own that they would need help from such agencies to instruct them on their work and performances.

The Union has observed that such kinds of consultancy agencies have flooded the Secretariat and offices all over the State. Their role and performances are highly sceptical in regards to their efforts in the progress of the State.

In short, it appears that most of the people from the State who work with such agencies are either related or have recommendations from politicians and other people holding official positions in the State. In fact, it can be said that such agencies are made to absorbs such people to work for the Government.

The Union urge that such research ,projects ,data analysis and  collections etc., must be handed over to North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) and other universities in the State tapping into the human resources of the State and giving opportunities to the indigenous tribal of the State who are well versed with the issues of the State instead of some foreign and alien agencies.

If the Government is of the opinion of going forward with the ISB in collaboration with the MDRF, then the Union demands that such posts to be advertised in public domain giving opportunities to all the domicile of the Meghalaya to be able to apply, having proper recruitment process, criteria, selection through written examination.

The KSU said that all the 28 posts must be for the indigenous tribal of Meghalaya and any deviation from the said demand will be met by stern opposition from the Union, the letter was sign by Reuben Najiar Chairman Employment Monitoring Cell Khasi Students’ Union and  Manly Nongpluh Secretary Employment Monitoring Cell Khasi Students’ Union.



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