There are about 8,000 deaths annually in Meghalaya due to tobacco usage

Ampati, May 31, 2024: World No Tobacco Day was observed with great enthusiasm and participation at Okkapara A•palgre, under the Rerapara C&RD Block in South West Garo Hills on Friday. The event was organized by the District Tobacco Control Program Cell under the District Medical and Health Office of South West Garo Hills.

The program, themed “My Meghalaya, Tobacco Free Meghalaya,” was graced by the Block Development Officer (BDO) of Rerapara C&RD Block, Armand Ch. Momin, MCS, as the Chief Guest, and Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Ravi K. Sangma, MPS, as the Guest of Honour.

Esteemed guests, including Emphul Marak, SDSEO of South West Garo Hills, and the Nokma of Okkapara village, along with District Health Officials and staff, also attended the event. The program saw the participation of residents from Okkapara and adjoining areas.

The event featured inter-locality indigenous games competitions, including Rong•te De•susaa, Chi Ko•susaa, Am•bol De•tomsusaa, Wa•pong Sika, Gando Makkal Pala, and Budu Salgriksusaa, with winners receiving prizes. Local artist Monika Singer performed entertainment karaoke, adding to the celebratory atmosphere.

In his address, Chief Guest Armand Ch. Momin emphasized the importance of preventing tobacco usage starting from home. “If we want to prevent tobacco usage, we can. Children spend maximum time at home, so if they see their parents using tobacco, they will be influenced by their bad habits.

If we can reduce the use of tobacco, even our society and community will progress,” he stated. He highlighted the detrimental impact of tobacco on youth and encouraged making healthier choices.

DSP Ravi Sangma reinforced the role of law enforcement in combating tobacco use. He mentioned the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) and the importance of adhering to laws prohibiting smoking in public places and the sale of tobacco near educational and religious institutions.

SDSEO Emphul Marak urged parents to educate their children on the harmful effects of tobacco. “We have only one life and our choices affect our life. As parents, we should take out time to educate our children against the ill effects of tobacco and other such substances,” he said, adding that schools continuously run anti-tobacco programs throughout the year.

Dr. Cornelius R. Marak, District Nodal Officer of the National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) and National Oral Health Programme (NOHP), South West Garo Hills, delivered the keynote address. He highlighted the staggering toll of tobacco, with about 8,000 deaths annually in Meghalaya due to tobacco usage. He spoke on the harmful chemicals in tobacco and their effects on health, and informed attendees about a government scheme offering free tobacco replacement therapy. He urged everyone to strive for a tobacco-free model village.


The event concluded with attendees taking a pledge to abstain from tobacco and other harmful substances and to encourage others to do the same.

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