Engagement module launched by NHA for better verification and  reviews of private hospitals

New Delhi, February 04: The Government of India has developed specific guidelines for the empanelment of hospitals under the Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) which mandates a physical verification of hospital [...]

The Govt has taken steps towards mitigation of adverse impact of global warming: Ramnath

New Delhi, February 04: Yes, the Government has taken several steps towards mitigation of adverse impact of global warming and climate change on agriculture in the country including Uttar Pradesh. T he National Action Plan on Climate Change [...]

Home Guards volunteers required for duty in Autonomous District Councils Elections, 2025

Shillong, February 04: The Directorate of Civil Defence and Home Guards, Meghalaya requires trained Home Guards Volunteers for duty in the upcoming elections to the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) and Jaintia Hills Autonomous [...]

Ka tnad shna dawai ka la pyllait ia ka UCPMP,2024 ka batai ia ki dawai ha pdeng ki Doktor

New Delhi, Rymphang 04: Da ka jingthmu ban iada ia ka jingpyniaid iew bym don jingbahkhlieh bad pynthikna ka jingkyntiew kaba don jingbahkhlieh ia ki tiar ai jingsumar lyngba ka jingpyrkhing ia ki jingiakren hapdeng ki doctor, ki nongai jingsumar [...]

Kiew ka India sha ka kyrdan kaba ar ha ka jingshna mobile ha ka pyrthei: Ashwini

New Delhi, Rymphang 04: Ka thong ‘Make In India’ jong u Myntri Rangbah duh ka la iarap ia ka India ban long ka jaka pdeng jong ka jingshna tiar kylleng ka pyrthei. Ka prokram Make in India hapoh ki shiphew snem jong ka jingsdangia ka ym [...]

Khlem thep kyrteng  u bah Lurshai na ka HSPDP ban ia khun na Jaiaw- Mawprem DCC

Shillong, Rymphang 04: Hadien ba la kut ka jingthep kyrteng jong ki kyrtong  ki ba don ia ka jingthmu ban ia khun ia ka election sha ki ar tylli ki Autonomous District Council kata ka Khasi Hills Autonomous District Ciuncil (KHADC) bad ka jaiñtia [...]

Donkam Home Guard Volunteer na ka bynta ka election MDC jong ki ar tylli ki ADC ka jylla

Shillong, Rymphang 04: Da ka jingthmu ban pyniaid beit pyniaid ryntih ia ka election MDC ka ban long sha ka iing dorbar jong ka Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council bad kumjuh ruh jong ka Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council, ka Directorate [...]

Nongrim Hills SC and Laitkor SC ended with out goal  inthe  OC Blue SPL, 2024

Shillong, Feb 4: Nongrim Hills SC and Laitkor SC created plenty of chances in their OC Blue Shillong Premier League 2024 match today but 90 minutes ended without a goal being scored. Neither side wanted to settle for a draw and pushed right [...]

Power Minister Mr. Abu Taher said Meghalaya Govt is inviting private investor in power sector

Shillong, February 04: Power Minister A.T. Mondal on Tuesday said that with the state’s electricity demand growing at 11% annually, the government is actively planning new power generation projects and has notified a new power policy. Speaking [...]

Pynpulom  ka jingthmu shalan drok na Shillong sha Mizoram ioh kem noh ki pulit 

Shillong, Rymphang 04: Da ka jingthmu ban pynduh jait ia ki jingsniew kaba la kynrei bha hapoh ka jylla, ki pulit ka Anti-Narcotice Task Force ka East Khasi Hills ha ryngkot ki pulit ka Mawryngkneng kila ioh kem ia ki briew kiba mut shallan [...]
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