Meghalaya Governor participates in ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ at army public school, shillong

Shillong, jan 27: The Governor of Meghalaya, Brig. (Dr) B.D Mishra (Retd), today visited Army Public School, 101 Area, Shillong and joined the televised interactive session of the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narenda Modi on “Pariksha Pe Charcha’’ [...]

Ka UFBU kan pynlong ia ka jingsangeh trei kam ki bank ar sngi lynter ki bank mynta u bnai

Shillong, Kyllalyngkot 27: Ka kynhun jong ki 9 tylli ki bank ba khlain treikam ha Ri india haka lama jong ka United Forum bank Unions (UFBU) ki khot ia ka jingiakhih ha baroh kawei ka Ri India kaba la sdang naduh ka 14th Kyllalyngkot 2023 bad [...]

Kem ki pulit 17 tylli ki Bike ha nognbah Shillong ban pynsawa jur na ka daw u Silensar

Shillong, Kyllalyngkot 27: Ki pulit jong ka nongbah Shilong ha dien ba kila ioh ia ka jingujor ba ba ki don ki bike kiba la sawa palat na ka daw ba kila pynkylla ia u silensar bad kane ka jingsawa jur kala pynthud ia ki ba bun khamtam ha ka [...]

Pynkup burom ia u Dr. Jalaj na ka BSF da ka Police Medal ha ka 74th Republic Day 2023

Shillong, Kyllalyngkot 27: Ka sorkar pdeng lyngba ka tnad kam poh iing kala pynkup burom ia u Dr. Jalaj Sinha ba trei kum u doktor sumar briew hapoh ka tnad shipai BSF ha Shillong la shah pynkup burom da ka ‘Police Medal’ namar ki kam kiba [...]

West Bengal defeated Meghalaya by nine wickets in their Senior Women’s One Day Trophy

Shillong, Jan 27: West Bengal defeated Meghalaya by nine wickets in their Senior Women’s One Day Trophy match in Nagpur today. The Meghalaya players had a special treat, however, in that they met and interacted with Bengal team mentor [...]

The N. F. Railway Celebrates 74th Republic Day held at the NFRSA complex at Maligaon

Maligaon, Jan  27: Northeast Frontier Railway celebrated the 74th Republic Day in a befitting manner. The central program was held at the NFRSA complex at Maligaon, where Shri Anshul Gupta, General Manager of N. F. Railway unfurled the National [...]

Study explains migration events that brought genetic diversity among Nepalese population

New Delhi, Jan 27: Tibeto-Burman communities were pre-historic Himalayan settlers, and their East Asian ancestry can be traced back to Neolithic immigration, mostly from Tibet around 8 KYA (Kilo Years Ago), says a genetic study of the population. The [...]

The DCs and SDOs unfurled the National Flag in the 74th Republic Day, 2023 celebrated

Shillong, Jan 27: Tura: Deputy Commissioner, Shri Swapnil Tembe unfurled the National Flag and took the Salute of 10 parade contingents comprising of 2nd MLP Battalion, NCC (Boys and Girls), Don Bosco College, Bharat Scouts & Guides and [...]

The EOI to be invited for the International Transhipment Port at Great Nicobar Island

New Delhi, Jan 27: Working towards the Island Development program announced by the Government, the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, as part of the Holistic Development of Great Nicobar Island, is working towards development of Mega [...]

Ioh kurup pisa ki pulit  T.8.96 lak tyngka ha West Garo Hills District  bad ka kyiaid

Shillong, Kyllalyngkot 27: Ban pynthikna ba kan nym don kano kano ka jingpyndon kam pisa ha kane ka elekshon MLA ka ban long ha ka 27/2/2023 ki pulit jongka West Garo Hills District kila pynkhlian ia ka jingkhynra ia kiba leit ba wan ha kylleng [...]
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