Soi MoU hapdeng ka tnat DONER bad ka UNDP ban pyntrei kam ia ka skhim PM-DevINE

New Delhi, Nailar 22: Ka tnat Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER) bad ka UNDP, ha ka jingiadon lang u Myntri Khynnah ki tnat DoNERbad Cooperation, u B.L.Vermabad ka UN Assistant Secretary-General bad Director jong ka United Nations [...]

The Government  of Meghalaya will hold weeklong celebration of National Sports Day

Shillong, August 22: In celebration of National Sports Day, the Government of Meghalaya announces a weeklong event of sports and fitness activities across the State between the 22nd and the 29th of August. All citizens are encouraged to engage [...]

Tong syndet ia ka umdih na 51 tylli ki shnong phah peit bniah ka FKJGP ha Lawmali

Shillong, Nailar 22: Ka seng Federation of Khasi Jaintia bad  Garo People seng kmie mynta ka sngi Ka la pynlong ia ka jigntong  syndet ia ka umdih kaba la sam da ka tnad PHE  bad ka Shillong Municipal Board  na ki kor sorkari na kylleng [...]

Ai dorkhas ka HYC sha u DGP ban pynkhlian  jingiada ha khappud Meghalaya-Assam

Shillong, Nailar 22: Mynta ka sngi ka seng Hynniewtrep Youth Council (HYC) hapoh ka jingialang jong u bah Robert June Kharjahrin president bad u bah Roy Kupar Synrem kila ialam ia ka kynhun ba ai ia ka dorkhas sha u Director General ki Pulit [...]

Kurup jain Saree ki shipai BSF palat T.11 lak tyngka na khappud bad ka ri Bangladesh  

Shillong, Nailar 22: Mynta ka sngi ki shipai BSF kila ioh jingtip ba ki don ki briew kiba hiar sha khappud jong ka ri Bangladesh ryngkat ki jingkit, na ka liang jong ki shipai kila beh wut wut bad haba ki la ioh ki briew kiba kit ki song kila [...]

Thoh ka HYC sah ka MPSC ba pynslem ban pynmih ia ka result eksamin Assist Engineer

Shillong, Nailar 22: Mynta ka sngi ka seng Hynniewtrep Youth Council (HYC) kala phah da ka jingthoh sha u shongknor  jong ka Meghalaya Public Service Commission (MPSC) ba pynslem ban pynmih ia ka result Assistant Engineer ba dei hapoh jong [...]

PFRDA organized a Conference on Implementation of NPS in Central Government 

New Delhi, August 22L The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) organized a Conference on Implementation of National Pension System (NPS) in Central Government, with the objective of efficient and effective implementation [...]

Prof. A.K. Chandra’s groundbreaking research earns acclaim in Chemistry-A European Journal

Shillong, August 22: The North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU) takes immense pride in announcing the exceptional achievement of Professor A.K. Chandra, a distinguished member of the Department of Chemistry, for his remarkable contribution to [...]

Seng Khasi college defeated Mawlai Presbyterian college by 12-0 at NEHU ICFM Tournament 2023

Shillong, August 22: In the second day of the NEHU Inter College Football Men Tournament -2023 there are four games played, the games played, Seng Khasi College defeated Mawlai Presbyterian College by 12-0. The Union Christian College, Umiam [...]

Ministry of DONER releases new Scheme Guidelines for approved Schemes during 15th FC

New Delhi, August 22: The Continuation of the North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS) with an approved outlay of Rs.8139.50 crore for the period from 2022-23 to 2025-26 was also approved by the Cabinet, with two components [...]
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