The JSU sent memorandum to Union Home Minister on incident happen in IB of Bangladesh

Shillong, Feb 14: The Jaintia Students’ Union, would like to bring to your immediate notice regarding our deepest concern that there is an ongoing entry of a large number of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh to villages such as Dawki, Muktapur, in the West Jaintia Hills District and Shella in the East Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya, India, that are situated along the International Border with that country.

This event is taking place at the moment and hence, immediate attention from the authorities is needed in the above mentioned areas. This year 2020 has witnessed a number of attacks by armed miscreants from Bangladesh who illegally enters and commits theft and murder including injuring a number of people in these border villages.

The JSU said that this is not the first time that this illegal activity has taken place in these areas, however, this criminal offence has been happening for the last several years wherein these miscreants have been trying to disrupt peace in the areas and most recently they had attempted to murder people and the villagers of those areas.

Such repeated incidents pose a grievous threat to the lives of the people and residents of these villages and have also created fear psychosis in the minds of the local populace which in turn may cause social instability and unrest in these border villages.

Despite efforts made by the Border Security Force and the State police in securing the borders and the people residing therein from such offences, yet they have failed to stop these illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and their criminal activities in the areas owing to shortage of manpower required to manned the unfenced border areas along the villages of Dawki to Muktapur in West Jaintia Hills District and also part of Shella village in the East Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya.

However, with the recent turn of events in our area, we the Jaintia Students’ Union and also as the concern villagers and mere victims would like to write to your good office directly since the State Government of Meghalaya and the Border Security Force are totally helpless and powerless in providing us with strong security and since they find it extremely difficult to ensure peace and security to the border areas.

As a concern Students’ Union we have already approached the State Home Minister and had also submitted a memorandum to the state government, Which will improve the circumstances and extenuate the crime and to stop right away the entry of illegal Bangladeshis to the border area.

However, till date no corrective measures have been taken that will stop right away the entry of these Bangladeshis. Moreover, it is depressing to say that the Border Security Force (BSF) till date were unable to make any arrest of these miscreants from Bangladesh who deliberately entered India along the unfenced and porous Indo-Bangladesh border of Meghalaya and commit theft and murder and also threatening to kill any passer-by in the aforesaid sensitive area Dawki to Muktapur and part of Shella Village.

The JSU condemn the Border Guard of Bangladesh (BGB) as they are facilitating this illegal entry of their citizens and break law and order situation in India. This is a very serious issue if it is allowed to continue time and again as it will indicate that the country of Bangladesh is propagating and funding its own citizens to create terror and violence with the motive of disturbing peace and security of the citizens of their neighbour.

Further, there are very less or no locals indigenous to Meghalaya within the BSF and this has attributed to communication barrier with the local populace at the border and weak border force-public relation. Recruitment or deployment of indigenous personnel is of paramount importance to contain such illegal and criminal activities at the border villages.

Furthermore, this can be supplemented with deploying/setting up of some sort of special border units at the border villages that can be of help in checking of illegal immigration after the enactment of CAA. The JSU look into this matter and they are looking forward his response and they would be most grateful if you would look into this matter as soon as possible.



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