Meghalaya C.M Mr. Conrad  inaugurated the office of the State Education Commission

Shillong, August 03:  Meghalaya Chief Minister Mr. Conrad K Sangma today has inaugurated the office of the State Education Commission, in the present of the Education Minister Mr. Rakkam Marak  in the presence of the members of the Commission and officials from the education department.

Meghalaya Chief Minister said that the cabinet has taken decision to constituted the commission to look into the overall for the restructuring  of the education department as a whole, as there are many challenges and many stakeholders are involved in  and this commission will be able to do justice and the integrities of the challenges faces  in the education sector.

The commission will take with all the stakeholders and take constructive suggestion, practical suggestion and balance suggestion on how could take up in phase wise manner or on the trancesion   base manner of transformation of the education sector that was really the purpose of the commission has been form.

The Chief Minister expresses his happiness that the office of the commission was inaugurated and the first meeting of the commission was formally held and the first official meeting was held and hope that kind of leadership of the commission, the kind of members who are there, with their experience and knowledge in the education sector will be able to come out with positive suggestion.

The Chief Minister said that, hopefully will see mach more transition into much healthier and stronger education in our state. There are many areas that they have to   look for ensuring quality education, the issue concerning teachers are here,  the issue of rationalisation of  teachers and school and the overall on how technology can be implemented, there are wide scope of reference almost in every aspect in the education sector.

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