Man absconding from Civil Hospital found at Bimola point Shillong

Shillong, April 05:Cantonment police while on patrolling in the evening came across a person who was loitering around the Bimola point and on being questioned by the police gave his name as Bhim Bahadur Chetri and he said he was not feeling well so the officer on duty called the 108, which promptly arrived and the person was taken by 108 to Civil Hospital. The Cantonment police then informed the Jhalupara In Charge regarding the matter as he had claimed to be a resident of Jhalupara. It was only at about 9.40 on the 3rd morning that Police Booth was informed by Hospital Authorities that the above person had run away from the isolation room where he was kept as per protocol at about 4.30 am in the morning.

On being informed by the in charge Police Booth, I immediately alerted the I/C Jhalupara to contact the Headman and Secretary of Jhalupara, but it was confirmed from them that he was not a resident of Jhalupara.

n the meantime, the DHS who had been contacted by me earlier called to inform that Shri.Bhim Bahadur Mogul as given by him in the hospital entry register was in fact a drug addict and he was suffering from withdrawal symptoms.

Another team who was sent to the check point at Mawiong to verify from the entry register maintained by the officers on duty on the 30th to confirm the story given by Shri. Bhim Bahadur that he had entered Shillong on the 30th was also negative. It may be mentioned that the check point strictly enters the name of each and every person entering Shillong 24×7.

It has now been confirmed from Manbha Foundation that Bhim Bahadur Thapa name given by him to them has been undergoing substitution therapy and he in fact had just visited the Manbha Foundation on the 1st and was given the dose plus extra required for sustaining him during the lockdown.

The police are on track to locate the person but clearly he is still absconding out of fear of being ostracized by society.




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