MeECL issued General notice for self-declaration of connected load and load enhancement

Shillong, April 16: As per the provision of the Indian Electricity Act, 2003 and the MSERC Electricity Supply Code Regulation, 2018 clause 10.1 (11), “the consumer should at all time restrict their consumption within the declared contract demand and declared connected load.

If at any time the consumer exceeds his contracted demand and  load without prior permission of the licensee, the licensee will have the right to disconnect the supply.”

Therefore, the consumer must declare the contracted demand/load as actual and revise it from time to time, otherwise it will attract penal action. It has been observed that, as on date a staggering 3,19,413 nos (including 58,828 nos in Shillong city) of consumers under different categories have declared their connected demand and load as 1 kW or below.

The above-mentioned figure does not commensurate with the present load pattern of the State. In Khasi Jaintia Hills people extensively use heaters and in Garo Hills air conditions.

The MePDCL extends one-time amnesty offer for all categories of consumers (including domestic, commercial, government departments) to declare -and revise their contracted demand and load as per their actual consumption through self-declaration process.

The consumers are requested to fill up the ‘Self Declaration of Connected Load’ form as attached herewith and submit it to their respective office of the Assistant Executive Engineer, MePDCL within one month from the date of this notification.

MePDCL will verify the applications and revise the contracted demand/load on basis of the applied load factor and serve notice to the consumer to pay the additional security deposit.

After expiry of 1 month, the MePDCL reserves the right to unilaterally increase the contracted demand on the basis of the load factor and the consumption during the previous 12 months as mandated under Electricity Supply Code and serve notice to pay the additional security deposit and in case of failure, initiate the proceedings as per law including disconnection, recovery of penalty among others.

The same process will be followed for all other consumers having contract load of 2kW, 3kW, 4kW, 5kW subsequently to ascertain their actual load. Arunkumar Kembhavi, IAS) Chairman and Managing Director, MePDCL.




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