Meghalaya Govt issue notification issuance of birth certificates be kept in abeyance for 2 months

Shillong, March 20: The Commissioner and Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya of Health Department Dr.Joramn Beda IAS, today issued notification whereas it has been brought to the notice of the Government that the requirement of immunization as a precondition for the issuance of birth certificates has led to considerable delays in the registration of births.

Whereas such delays have, in turn, resulted in the inability of parents to obtain  Aadhaar for their newborns in a timely manner, thereby affecting their eligibility for various government welfare schemes, particularly the Integrated Child Development Services (1CDS).

The Aadhaar card is an essential document for availing benefits  under ICDS, including supplementary nutrition, healthcare, and early childhood education, and delays in its issuance may deprive eligible children of their rightful entitlements.

The  Government is committed to ensuring universal Aadhaar coverage for all children to facilitate seamless access to welfare schemes and social security benefits.

whereas the mandatory linkage of immunization with the issuance of birth certificates  has created an administrative bottleneck, adversely affecting the prompt registration of newborns and impeding the Government’s objective of universal Aadhaar enrollment for all children.

Therefore in consideration of the above facts and in the interest of public welfare, the Government of Meghalaya, in exercise of its executive powers, hereby order that the mandatory requirement of immunization for the issuance of birth certificates be kept in abeyance for a period of two months from the date of this order to facilitate immediate Aadhaar enrollment and ensure uninterrupted access to ICDS benefits for all newborns.

Instructions for Compliance that, all District Registrars of Births and Deaths shall issue birth certificates to all applicants irrespective of the immunization status of the child.The immunization status may be recorded separately and pursued as part of routine immunization drives but shall not be linked to birth certificate issuance.

Health and ICDS officials shall continue their immunization awareness campaigns to ensure that all children receive timely vaccinations. A review of this policy shall be conducted at the end of the two-month period to assess its impact and determine the necessity of further continuation or modification.

This order shall take immediate effect and shall be strictly complied with by all concerned authorities. By Order and in the Name of the Governor of Meghalaya









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