Shillong, March 09: The NSS Unit of MLCU has adopted Khlieh Umstem and Liarsluid villages of Ri-Bhoi district with the objectives of working towards the need of their communities and contributing to their sustainable development.
As part of this initiative and the students’ experiential learning, the Department of English and Communication and the Department of Psychology of MLCU organised special activities for secondary schoolchildren in these two villages on the 6th of March 2020.
The Department of English and Communication’s activity was titled “The Joy of Reading.” This activity was intended to harbour a love for reading amongst the schoolchildren. The students and faculty of the Department contributed books, performed skits, interactive story narrations, and games in the two schools.
Meanwhile, the Department of Psychology delivered an awareness campaign on mental health issues faced by children in troubled families and the role of counsellors in dealing with such issues.
This was delivered by skits and group activities. The teachers of the schools were also briefed by the Department’s faculty on how to identify and work with students who may encounter these issues in their families.