The AR urges authorities to restore the power supply, for the troops stationed across Mizoram

Shillong, Oct 19: The recent media reports concerning the incident involving the convoy of Pu F. Rodingliana and Assam Rifles on 17th October are misleading, malicious, and seem intended to damage the reputation of Assam Rifles. The portrayal that Assam Rifles deliberately stopped the Minister’s vehicle is a fabrication that misrepresents the actual events.

Incident Misrepresented, On 17th October, a Mobile Vehicle Check Post (MVCP) was established by Assam Rifles near Zokhawsang based on credible intelligence regarding the possible movement of war-like stores.

When the convoy of Pu F. Rodingliana, comprising four vehicles, approached the checkpoint, the Minister’s vehicle was allowed to pass as per standard procedures.

However, the convoy voluntarily stopped at the location where routine checks were being conducted on civilian vehicles. This contradicts the claim that Assam Rifles forcibly halted the convoy.

The provocation and misconduct by the Minister’s Staff, the reports omit crucial details about the Public Secretary to the Minister, who exited his vehicle, removed his jacket, and verbally abused the Assam Rifles personnel on duty.

He also forcibly took body cameras from the soldiers, while other members of the convoy engaged in disruptive behavior, including unpatriotic remarks like “go back to India.”

Videos circulating online clearly show threats by the staff to cut off Assam Rifles’ power supply. The subsequent power outage affecting Assam Rifles posts across Mizoram appears to be a deliberate move aimed at obstructing their operations.

False Allegations Against Assam Rifles, the assertion that Assam Rifles obstructed the Minister’s convoy is a blatant distortion of facts. In reality, the convoy was given clear passage, and the decision to stop was taken by the convoy itself.

Videos from the incident clearly show that a vehicle from the convoy was deliberately positioned to block the road, possibly to manufacture a confrontation.

Alleged Abduction Incident on 12th October:* In an earlier incident at Kwalbem on 12th October, where it was alleged that an intoxicated Assam Rifles jawan stopped and questioned the Minister, the accusations are baseless. The jawan in question has an exemplary service record spanning 20 years and does not consume alcohol due to religious reasons.

In fact, during the incident, the Minister’s convoy stopped at the checkpoint after the first few vehicles had passed. The Minister confronted the soldiers on duty, insisting they dismantle the checkpoint.

When informed that the soldiers were performing their duties, the Minister and his staff began shouting, and he directed his escort to forcibly take the jawan into their vehicle, transporting him to a nearby village.

The jawan was released only after the local Commander intervened and inquired about the incident. This constitutes an obstruction of a soldier in the discharge of his duties and an attempt to tarnish the reputation of a dedicated serviceman.

Questioning the legitimacy of operations in Mizoram,  allegations questioning Assam Rifles’ operations in Mizoram due to the absence of AFSPA are unfounded. Assam Rifles is mandated to guard the 510 km Indo-Myanmar border and is also tasked with countering the illegal drug trade under the NDPS Act.

Wherein this year till date in over 130 operations 690 crore worth of narcotics have been caught in Mizoram’s proximity to international borders as it makes it a transit route for the smuggling of war-like stores, including weapons and ammunition. Assam Rifles conducts operations to maintain the security of both the state and the nation.

History of successful operations in the region,  Assam Rifles has a longstanding record of maintaining law and order in Mizoram. Numerous successful operations have been conducted in the area, leading to significant seizures of arms, ammunition, narcotics, and contraband.

These operations are carried out with professionalism and respect for the local population, ensuring minimal inconvenience to civilians. Efforts to maintain cordial relations,  Assam Rifles has consistently worked harmoniously with the Mizoram government, civil society organizations, and local communities, and has built strong relationships.

The organization chose not to escalate the incident of the jawan’s abduction to maintain these cordial ties. The Power Minister, Pu F. Rodingliana, appears to have acted on his own accord. The fabricated narrative surrounding the incident undermines Assam Rifles’ sincere efforts to preserve peace and order in the region.

Power Outage Across Assam Rifles’ Posts, the current media coverage deliberately attempts to malign Assam Rifles and divert attention from the misconduct of the Minister’s staff. The power outage across Assam Rifles’ locations in Mizoram, following the incident, jeopardizes operational readiness and poses a security risk in border areas.

The misleading portrayal of the incident fails to acknowledge the professionalism and restraint shown by Assam Rifles personnel, who ensured the situation did not escalate further.

It is imperative for the media to report with accuracy and responsibility, ensuring that baseless accusations do not harm the reputation of institutions dedicated to national security. Assam Rifles urges the relevant authorities to promptly restore the power supply, ensuring normalcy for the troops stationed across Mizoram.

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