The GBWSS will provide adequate water supply to Baghmara town and 16 en route villages

Shillong, Feb 24: The Chief Minister, Conrad K. Sangma today laid the foundation for the Greater Baghmara Water Supply Project at South Garo Hills District in the presence of PHE Minister, Shri Renikton Lyngdoh, MLAs, Shri Thomas Sangma, Shri Samuel Sangma, and Shri Rakkam A Sangma and other dignitaries.

Jointly funded by Central and State share i.e, the Ministry of DoNER, Government of India through NESIDS at Rs. 4,754.00 Lakhs (Rupees Forty Seven Crores Fifty Four Lakhs) and the Government of Meghalaya through the State’s Resources at Rs. 1,596.00 Lakhs (Rupees Fifteen Crores Ninety Six Lakhs), the total estimated cost is Rs. 6,350.00 Lakhs (Rupees Sixty Three Crores Fifty Lakhs).

The Greater Baghmara Water Supply Scheme will provide adequate water supply to Baghmara town and 16 en route villages viz., Rewak Kambepal, Rewak, Rongchekgiri, Kharukol Adinggiri, Kharukol Jaligiri, Kharukol Konagittim, Chigichakgiri, Goka Songmong, Kharukol Tainang, Goka Wachol, Masighat, Dabigiri, Balkal Watregittim, Rongrengpal, Tainang Songmong, and Badri Jaisrugittim.

With the source for the Scheme being the Rongdong stream, the scheme intends to cover the present population of 25676 and an ultimate population of 63335. The number of households proposed to be covered by the Project area is 2340.

The scope of work includes the construction of RCC weir, Supply, and Laying of 200mm dia MS pipe Gravity Main (34.50Km), construction of a Conventional Type Treatment Plant and the construction of the Main Clear Water Reservoir.

The 1st installment of Rs 10 Crores for the project was released in January 2021. The Tender for the same was invited in the same month and opened on February 2021. Allotment of work shall be made on receipt of Administrative approval from the State for which the proposal has been sent to the Government on 13.01.2021. The target for completion of the project is 2 years.

Expressing his happiness on the occasion, the Chief Minister said, “This is an ambitious Project of our Government, and we are thrilled to lay the foundation for such an ambitious project which will go a long way in providing potable drinking water to the citizens of Baghmara town and 16 en route villages. This is the MDA fulfilling its promise to the people of South Garo Hills District”.

Chief Minister also stated, “There has been a sense of neglect for such Districts like South Garo Hills for many years and therefore, it has been the aim of the MDA Government to ensure that we make up for all the development work that these Districts have been deprived of for years”.

He added, “South Garo Hills contribute one of the highest revenues to our State because of its forest cover, mines, and minerals yet, it is one of the most neglected districts and that is why through the span of my visits to the districts, I made it a point to change its course by sanctioning various projects to uplift the district”.

Asserting his commitment to the District, the Chief Minister further added, “Laying of the foundation is not the end and I am personally committed to the completion of what we start. We will see the projects through by monitoring them on a regular basis”.

PHE Minister, Shri Renikton Lyngdoh stated, “As members of the MDA Government, we are extremely happy to come to Baghmara to bring good news to the people about this project. We were here a few months ago to announce the Baghmara College project and we are glad to be here again to bring another project for the benefit of the people”.

Speaking on the necessity of water the PHE Minister commented, “Water is life. It not only nourishes us and our vegetables and plants but, we need water in the execution of most projects like Swachh Bharat and in the maintenance of cleanliness”.

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