The N.F. Railway has  installs Hot Axle Box Detection System at Guwahati Station

Maligaon, Feb 23: To improve safety in train operation, N. F. Railway has taken another important step. Guwahati Coaching Depot has recently installed four numbers Automatic Hot Axle Box Detection System (HABD) in both Up and Down Direction on both sides of the Guwahati Station to minimize human failure in detection of Hot Axle Box and thereby ensuring safe running of passenger as well as goods trains.

Temperature of the Wheel Axle Box which houses the bearings, may increase during continuous movement of the wheels of coaches and wagons during operations due to various defects in the bearings. If undetected, the bearing temperature can continue to rise until there is a bearing “burn-off” which may cause a derailment or even major accident during running on high speed.

Presently, Hot Axle Box is being monitored manually at all major stations spreading throughout the country. The Automatic Hot Axle Box Detection System has the following features and advantages, HABD will measure axle box temperature of all kinds of rolling stock i.e., Coaches, wagons, locomotive etc.

HABD is designed to send multiple alerts through SMS, Email and Android App to all concerned if the temperature is found more than the specified range. Since the system is installed on both sides of Guwahati Station, it will measure temperature of all axle boxes and intimate on-duty Senior Section Engineer if any abnormality is found. This will ensure prior detection and plan of action can be decided as soon as the train reaches Guwahati station.

Prior detection of Hot Axle Box will help in saving detention time of running trains. HABD will ensure safe running of trains by accurate detection. System is capable to measure temperature of rolling stock upto speed of 160 Kmph and also able to distinguish between different types of rolling stock.

System is connected to server though GSM and has back up of up to 8 hours in case of power failure.Since system is automatic, it removes any scope of human error. Northeast Frontier Railway has already installed the Automatic Hot Axle Box Detection System in Kamakhya and New Bongaigaon stations thereby enhancing safety of train running.


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