This umbrella scheme also includes CSSS of ‘Assistance to States for Modernisation of Police’

New Delhi, August 11: ‘Police’ and ‘Public Order’ are State subjects under the seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India.  However, the Government of India, on 27.09.2017, approved implementation of umbrella scheme of “Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF)” for three years’ period from 2017-18 to 2019-20 with a total outlay of Rs. 25,061 crore which includes central outlay of Rs. 18,636.30 crore.  The scheme was further continued for 2020-21.

This umbrella scheme has two verticals – Police Modernisation & Security Related Expenditure (SRE) and includes central sector sub-schemes such as Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) project and e-Prisons project, which have been made operational in all the States and Union Territories.

Further, the total expenditure in CCTNS project has been 97.5%, i.e., Rs.1949 crore out of Rs.2000 crore since its commencement and in e-Prisons project the total expenditure was 100% against an outlay of Rs.100 crore.

Against the sub-scheme for assisting central agencies in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) management, etc. an amount of Rs. 583.03 crore was spent during last four years.  The Government also implemented Special Central Assistance (SCA) scheme to undertake development interventions in LWE districts. Additionally, for the projects relating to upgradation of police wireless, an amount of Rs. 31.41 crore has been spent.

This umbrella scheme also includes centrally sponsored sub-schemes of ‘Assistance to States for Modernisation of Police’ and ‘Assistance to States for Special Projects and Programmes for upgrading Police Infrastructure’ to assist State Governments in modernisation of their  police  forces.

There was 100%  expenditure  in the  sub-scheme  of ‘Assistance to States for Special Projects  and Programmes for upgrading Police Infrastructure’.  98% to 99% allocation was spent under the sub-scheme of ‘Assistance to States for Modernisation of Police’ in 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20.

The second vertical of SRE comprises sub-schemes of Security Related Expenditure (SRE) for Jammu & Kashmir, North Eastern States and LWE affected States as well as Special Infrastructure Scheme (SIS). State-wise figures of releases under these schemes along with figures of sub-schemes of SRE, SIS and SCA.

Coming particularly to Meghalaya from the  Assistance to States for Modernisation of Police the state received Rs.12.89 cores, Assistance to States for Special Projects, Programmes for upgrading Police Infrastructure received Rs. 5.89 cores and from the  Security Related Expenditure (SRE) (North East) recived Rs.42.50 cores.


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