Today 330 new Covid-Positive detected in EKH District, 77.57% were not vaccinated

Shillong, July 27: Today 330 new Covid-Positive cases were detected in East Khasi Hills District. Out of these, 77.57% were not vaccinated, had not received a single dose of vaccination.

Out of the total new cases, those who are fully vaccinated (both doses) constitute only 3.64%. While vaccinated persons can still get infected, the data strongly indicates that vaccination greatly reduces the likelihood of getting infected with the virus.

Fully vaccinated persons have a much lower chance of getting infected. Vaccination also significantly reduces chances of severe symptoms, hospitalization and death. As per information from the Health and Family Welfare Department, the Delta Strain constitutes 100% of the cases in the state.

It is a Variant of Concern and highly infectious, and the number of cases as well as hospitalization cases may start increasing rapidly. The public are hence urged to follow COVID-appropriate behavior meticulously at all times, avoid unnecessary travel and exposure as far as possible, and to vaccinate at the earliest if not already done so.

Do not ignore symptoms, and report them at the earliest to 14410 or to your Zone/Block War Room, or go to the nearest medical facility.


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