N.F. Railway installs Hot Axle Box Detectors strategically to avoid enroute failures
Maligaon, June 10: As a prime focus for safer movements of trains, Northeast Frontier Railway has been focusing on detecting hot axle failures enroute. For that, Hot Box Detectors (HBD) are installedstrategically at the end of platform side [...]
Ka phail ba nyngkong ba soi u Myntri Rangbah Duh ka jingpyllait pisa ia ka PM Kisan Nidhi
New Delhi, Jylliew 10: Hadien ba u la bam smai kum u Myntri Rangbah Duh ha ka sien kaba lai, u Myntri Rangbah Duh, Narendra Modi u la soi ia ka file kaba nyngkong kaba ai jingbit ban pyllait ia ka bynta kaba 17 jong ka jingsiew hapoh ka PM [...]
President of India administered the oaths of office and secrecy to Mr. Modi as Prime Minister
New Delhi, June 09: The President of India has appointed Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi as the Prime Minister of India. Further, as advised by the Prime Minister.
In the NDA Government include 30 cabinet ministers 25 from the BJP 5 from its alliance, [...]