Ka party Congress kan pynkup burom ia u Saleng MP ka 2-Tura ha ka sngi saitjain

Shillong, Naitung 01: Mynta ka sngi ka party Congress kala pynlong ia ka jingialang, ha kaba la don lang ka seng kynthei, ki seng samla bad ki nongialam ka party ha kaba kila shim ia ka rai ban pynkup burom ia u Saleng A Sangma MP ka 2-Tura [...]

Khot ia kren u MLA ka Nongpoh ha kaba ia dei bad ka koit ka khiah ha Ri Bhoi District

Shillong, Naitung 01: U MLA ka Nongpoh Constituency u Bah Mayralborn Syiem mynta ka sngi ka 1 tarik u Naitung 2024 ki la ioh ban shong jingialng bad ka kynhun jong ki officers ka tnad ka koit ka khiah ban ia kren halor ka jingdon kam jong ka [...]

Meghalaya gears up for ‘Impact Week 2024’ partner with PRIME Hub and MLCU 

Shillong, July 01: Following the success of Impact Week in 2023, Impact Week will once again partner with the PRIME Hub and the Martin Luther Christian University to host the 2024 edition from July 4th to 11th, 2024. Impact Week 2024 serves [...]

Ia kynduh u bah Mayralbon MLA ka Nongpoh ia u myntri rangbah ka jylla halor ki kam surok

Shillong, Naitung 01: U Bah Mayralborn Syiem MLA ka Nongpoh, mynta ka sngi ka 1 tarik u Naitung 2024 ula leit buddien pat ia ka surok na Nongpoh- Umden Sonapur na ka bynta ban maramod ia une u surok na u Myntri Rangbah ka Jylla Conrad K Sangma. Ha [...]

The UPSC announces the results of Civil services Preliminary exam 2024

New Delhi, July 01: On the basis of the result of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2024 held on 16/06/2024, the candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for admission to the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2024. The [...]

All three criminal laws to be available in the languages recognized in the eight scheduled

New Delhi, July 01: Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation Shri Amit Shah described the 3 new criminal laws that came into effect across the country from today as justice-oriented rather than punishment, and victim-centric. He said [...]

Ka jingialang ba 4 sngi hapdeng ki shipai BSF bad ki BGB ka Bangladesh la sdang ha Shillong

Shillong, Naitung 01: Mynta ka sngi ka jingialang kaba saw sngi ha pdeng ki shipai BSF na ka kynhun Frontier kaba don ia ka jaka treikam ha Shllong bad ka kynhun shipai BGB jong ka Bangladesh ia kaba la tipkum ka “Region Commanders BGB Level [...]

Four day BSF and BGB Region Commanders Border Co-Ordination meeting held in Shillong

Shillong, July 01: The Frontier HQ BSF Meghalaya is hosting ‘Inspectors General BSF-Region Commanders BGB Level Border Co-Ordination Conference’ from 01st to 04th July 2024 at Umpling, Shillong. The conference is held bi-annually between [...]

The Assam Rifles Sentinels Cup 2024 began with a grand opening ceremony in Dimapur

Dimapur, July 01: The Assam Rifles Sentinels Cup 2024 began with a grand opening ceremony on 01 July, 2024, at ARTC & S, Dimapur. The event, which aims to promote sportsmanship and camaraderie among the armed forces and the local community, [...]

Ai khublei Behdienkhlam ba suk ba kmen ka JSU ban ioh ruh ia ka shong suk shongsain

Shillong, Naitung Ka seng JSU baroh kawei naduh ka seng kmie ha ryngkat lang bad shnat treikam jong ka baroh ki Circle bad ki Unit ka ai khublei kyrpang bad ka kitbok kit rwiang iabaroh ki khun ki hajar jong ka ri Jaintia khamtam iaki khon ka [...]
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