The Assam Regiment has participated in all the wars in the last 75 years

Shillong, November 12:The Assam Regiment has been in existence for 75 glorious years. The Regiment celebrates its Platinum Jubilee from 15 Nov to 18 Nov 2016 at Assam Regimental Centre, Happy valley Shillong. The Assam Regiment was raised on            15 June 1941 in Shillong by Lieutenant Colonel Ross Howman to meet the claim of the then undivided states of Assam for its own fighting unit and to counter the threat of the Japanese invasion of India in the lawns of Governor house, the present Raj Bhavan of Shillong.

The four day celebrations include Presentation of Colours to four of the newly raised Battalions of Assam Regiment, Dedication of War Memorial , Commoration of the raising, Battalion get-together, Sainik Sammelan, Inauguration of Museum, The historic Platinum Jubilee Celebrations  of Assam  Regiment on completition of 75 Glorious years will be held in Assam Regimental Centre Happy Valley Shillong.

The Assam Regiment was primarily raised to quell the enemy aggression and defend a crucial part of Eastern borders of India against the advance of Japanese. Sir Robert Reid, the Governor of Assam in 1941 said ‘You are the living symbol of Assams martial ardour, the embodiment of her physical strength” The stubborn fight put by the Assam Regiment at Kharasom and Jessami enabled the 14th Army to turn the course of battle this aspect has been highlighted by none other than Field Marshal slim in his book “Defeat into Victory”.

Assam Regiment has the unique distinction of winning six battle honours and theatre honour of Burma during World War II and also had the distinction of winning Battle honour of Chhamb and theatre honour of J&K in 1947-48 and again in 1971.

Post Independence, The Assam Regiment has participated in all the wars to include 1965, 1971, Kargil war and in Sri Lanka. Assam Regt has performed exceedingly well in various other operations viz operation Blue Star, Operation Rakshak and the ongoing anti Insurgency Operations. The Battalions of the Regiment have performed commedably in United Nation mission abroad and earned accorades in Cambodia, Congo and Lebanon.

The Regiment has so far been awarded nine Chief of the Army Staff Unit Citation and twenty three Army Commanders Unit Appreciation. In United Nations peace keeping operations the Regiment has also acquitted itself admirably. The fifteenth and Tenth Battalions have the unique distinction of having been awarded the Force Commanders Citation in UNFIL in 2005 & MONUSCO in 2008 respectively. In the individual Honour and Awards category the Regiment has won 63 Pre Independence, 228 Post Independence Awards (Gallantry), 1529 Post Independence Awards (Distinguished Service) and three Civil Awards.

Apart from the professional excellence, the Regiment has secured 23 Gold,  16 Silver and 13 Bronze medal in International level sports and 152 Gold, 132 Silver and 110 Bronze in National level sports. The Regiment also secured First Position during Young Blood Championship 2005. The outstanding achievements of the sports person of the Regiment over a period of time have got the attention of the nation on the vast potential of the North East States. These have been possible due to the relentless contribution made by the soldiers of Assam Regiment.

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