Shillong, Dec 22: The BJP State Office Bearers held today,the meeting discusses the organisational setup in the State. The State Office bearers who were also the in-charges of respective organisational District have given their reports on organisation in their respective Districts. The Meeting decided to complete the Booth Level Committees within the month of January 15.
The Meeting passed a Political Resolution on “Zero Tolerance on Corruption” was moved by Mr. Bernard Marak, State Vice President, BJP Meghalaya Pradesh. After thorough discussion the Member unanimously passed the resolution.
The BJP’s ideology – “Zero Tolerance” against corruption has clicked in Meghalaya. In Meghalaya, BJP was thought to be a communal party but now BJP is seen as the guardian of the common people.
“Zero Tolerance” against corruption added new colour to BJP in Meghalaya. Other political parties which spread communal propaganda against BJP has been looked down by the public for not being able to take up issues like BJP did. Many political joined the chorus after BJP exposed the irregularities and corruption in public domain.
This has given a new height to BJP in Meghalaya, the BJP has touched the life of many people in the rural areas as well as in the urban areas as they were the victims of the bad governance in the State.
The BJP is now an accepted party in the State and by voicing out against corruption and irregularities in the government; BJP has made its presence felt as the guardian of the common men rather than a political party.
People have the impression that BJP understands people’s woes and they somehow relate themselves to the ideology of BJP. The hardship felt by the masses has been raised by BJP before any other political party and that has changed the overall impression of BJP.
State President Mr Ernest Mawri said that BJP is making its way inward among the common people and gaining support among the masses which will enable BJP to win double digit seats in the next legislative election. BJP should not stop from being the guardian of the people as the tribal mind in particular look upto guardian rather than a government.
In order to strengthen BJP in the State and ideologically connect to the people at the grassroot level, BJP should continue highlighting “Zero tolerance” propaganda by raising voice against corruption, misappropriation of funds, irregularities in implementation of projects and bad governance.
People will never abandon the party who stood for them as the nation mean the public. So let us all jointly resolve to fight against corruption and move towards corruption free Meghalaya.