CFS along with Child Right Club of Mawlai organised a Road Safety Awareness Program

Shillong, June 13: The Child Friendly Shillong along with their Child Rights Club of Mawlai Nonglum, Motsyair, Nongpathaw organized a Road Safety Awareness Program on 8th June, 2024.

The program was supported by the President of Mawlai town hall Mr. H. War, the headman of Mawlai Nonglum Mr. J S War and few youths and adults from different parts of Mawlai.The Child Right Clubs members conducted a Road Safety Walk via the road in  Nonglum-Mawlai Pump-Motsyiar-Umjaiur-Nongpathaw.

A total of 55 children from various Child Rights Clubs from Mawlai were part of the program where they spread awareness and demanded the drivers and riders to follow traffic rules and make the roads safer esp. for children.

Slogan such as “Slow drive-Long Life”, “We want safety and security in our road”, “No Parking in the road”, “Wear helmet in two Wheeler”, “Don’t drink and drive”, “Do not use mobile while driving and riding” etc. were used. Some of these Slogan were also displayed in the Chart paper.

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