Along with the rest of the country, people in Shillong celebrated Holi

Shillong, March 17: Along with the rest of the country, people in Shillong celebrated this festival with fun and gaiety.  Young and old, men and women, all indulge themselves in the spirit of colours and for once forget the social taboos.

Vibrant red, blue, green, yellow and pink colours spread joy and merriment  in Shillong as people  across the state celebrated the festival of Holi by smearing coloured powder on each other and exchanging sweets and greetings.

“I am so excited about Holi. This is fun fun fun…and I love it,” said 7 year old Poonam , a resident of Bishnupur.

Squeals of laughter echoed all around as the young and old alike threw colour on each other and buckets full of coloured water were squirted through ‘pichkaris’, drenching everyone within range.

“I enjoy this festival as I get maximum time to enjoy with my friends”, said Gaurang, a student of kindergarten school.

The city wore a colourful look with people celebrating the festival by playing with colours today.

People irrespective of all religious background celebrated the festival with much enthusiasm, sprinkling coloured powder, “abir”, and water on the friends.

“Since this is a festival of colour and it pours colour to our relationship, I think people irrespective of their religion celebrate this festival,” said Marynisha Lyngdoh, who owns a small shop in the town.

Celebrated during the full moon night of March, the colourful and exuberant festival of Holi or Vasant Utsav/Dol Yatra celebrates the advent of spring and bidding adieu the harsh cold winter. Celebrating the coming of spring, celebrating the rich colour of life and love, Holi captures the magic of one of the happiest, most joyous and glorious festivals that dot the calendar.

Holi celebration takes place with lot of joy and verve throughout the country. The enthusiasm of the people reaches its peak and matches with the nature which is in full bounty at the time of Holi.

Holi is being celebrated in Indian since time immemorial but the popularity of Holi celebrations seems to be rising with every passing year . As no other festival gives so much liberty to the people to let their hair loose and enjoy their hidden crazy self.

Differences of any sort are drowned in the coloured waters of Holi and people just enjoy being a play animal. To further enhance the festive spirit of Holi celebrations we have a social sanction to get a kick with the tradition of bhang. Then there is total wildness as people dance to the rhythm of dholak and sing traditional folk songs in loudest possible pitch.

Children particularly enjoy the festival as they throw water filled balloons at passersby…and if anybody stares..they have ready answer, ‘Bura na mano Holi hai..’ and evoke a smile on the irritated face. Besides, they have their water missiles, called pichkaris to drench the person from far and escape further drenching.(SP News)


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