Shillong, March 28: Regional Capacity Building Training Programme for Academicians of North-East India on “Inspiring the Minds for Disaster Risk Reduction” jointly organized by North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong and Indian Universities and Institutions Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (IUINDRR-NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt. of India for three days, 26th to 28thMarch, 2024.
The training programme concluded on 28thMarch, 2024 with avaledictory programme at the Department of Geology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, served as a platform for inspiring academicians to take an active role in disaster risk reduction by providing them with information, resources, and a platform for discussion.
The three-day training programme focused on key considerations and strategies required for Causes and Impacts of Disasters, Disaster management, community-based Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster Vulnerability Profile of North-East India, Geo-informatics in Disaster Management, Disaster Preparedness Planning and Post Disaster Needs Assessment. More than 60 delegates participated in the training program from North-Eastern states of India.
The training programme comprised of lectures by the invited guest from IUINDRR-NIDM as well as faculty from the NEHU fraternity and covered the various topics related to causes and impacts of Disasters, Flood Forecasting, Disaster Management: Challenges and Opportunities, Mental well-being and Disasters, Application of Geo-informatics in Disaster Management, Disaster Profile of North-East India and Post Disaster Needs Assessment.
During a campus assessment exercise, trainees were divided into groups, each assigned a specific topic to explore around the NEHU campus. These topics included the general campus profile with a focus on the architectural and engineering features of campus buildings such as the Social Science and Science Cluster classrooms. After conducting their assessments, each group presented their findings, and experts provided valuable suggestions based on these presentations.
The valedictory programme, started with welcome address by Dr. Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Teacher-in charge, Department of Geology, NEHU, Shillong followed by a short report on this three-day training programme by Prof. Devesh Walia Executive Committee Member, IUINDRR& Dean, SHES, NEHU.
Dr. Sushma Guleria, Assistant Professor, NIDM, in his concluding remarks mentioned that disaster management planning is essential for reducing the human, economic, and environmental impacts of disasters.
It also helps build resilient communities, ensures efficient resource allocation, and facilitates effective coordination among various stakeholders. Ultimately, it saves lives, reduces suffering, and promotes the well-being of individuals and societies when confronted with emergencies and disasters.
Chief Guest of the programmeSri G.C. Kesari, ADG, GSI-NER, Shillonghighlighted the use of geoscience in an inclusive manner so that the youths are equipped by the skills required to work on sustainable approaches for making the future developmental practices more sustainable and safer for the community.
He also highlighted that Disaster Risk Resilience enhances national security and stability as resilience in critical infrastructure and systems is essential to the continued functioning of a country during and after disasters.
Feedback from the participants was very positive, and emphasised that the training programme will benefit everyone desired that NIDM and Department of Geology, NEHU, Shillong to regularly organize such programs.
The Valedictory session ended with the Vote of Thanks by Mr. Marcel Lyngdoh,Department of Geology, NEHU, Shillong. He indebted his gratitude to Shri Rajendra Ratnoo, IAS Executive Director, NIDM for unequivocal support to organize this training progamme, and acknowledged Prof. Prabha Shankar Shukla, Vice Chancellor, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong for all the support and cooperation.