Ka N.F. Railway kan shna pyndep ia ka lynti rel na Teteliya sha Byrnihat ha u snem 2022
Malihaon, Naitung 18: Ka North Frontier Railway kala ong ba ha kine ki 6 snem kiba la leit kan pynlut haduh T.27,655 klur tyngka ban shna ia ki lynti rel ha kane ka thain shatei lam mih ngi jong ka Ri India kane ka long kham bun ka jingmang [...]
The Central Government allows contributions from any person or institution in the NDRF
New Delhi, July 18: The Central Government has laid out the modalities for receipt of contributions and grants from any person or institution for the purpose of disaster management in the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) as per Section [...]
Actual case load of COVID-19 in the country only 3,58,692, Recovered rate is now 63%
New Delhi, July 18: Timely, proactive, and graded strategy initiatives for effective COVID-19 management in the country, led by the Center and implemented by the State and UT governments, have ensured that actual case load of COVID patients [...]
There are 15 persons test COVID-19 Positive in Meghalaya today, total active cases are 367
Shillong, July 18: The Director of Health Services of Meghalaya Dr Anam War today inform that there are 15 persons tested COVID-19 postive in the state of Meghalaya and the total actives cases as of today is 367 peoples.
Persons who were tested [...]
Leit jurip u President ka Meghalaya State BJP ia ka Iew U Tirot Market Complex ha Mairang
Mairang , Naitung 18: Kum ka jingburom ia u nongialeh laitluid na ka jingsynshar donbor ki phareng u Tirot Sing Syiem u syiem jong ka Hima Nongkhlaw ka sorkar pdeng kala bei pisa T.12.86 klur tyngka ban tei ia ka iew ha Mairang ia kaba la ai [...]
Hikai ka HFU ia ki nongrep ha jaka die jhur lang ha Anjallee ban pyniajngai iwei na iwei
Shillong, Naitung 18: Mynta ka step u president jong ka Hills Farmers Union (HFU) u bah Commander Shangpliang bad ki dkhot ka seng ki la leit sha Anjalee Parking Lot ka jaka die jhur lang ban hikai ia ki nongrep ban pyniajngai iwei na iwei ha [...]
Pynlait ka SWA 11 tylli ki aplikoshon ban seng karkhana ha Meghalaya kin ai kam 271 ngut
Shillong, Naitung 18: Ha kine ki khyndait sngi kiba la dep u myntri rangbah ka jylla u Conrad K Sangma u la khot ia ka jingialang jong ka “Single Window Agency” na ka bynta ban ia kren halor ki aplikoshon kiba la phah sha ka sorkar da ki [...]
The Railway Minister has invest more than Rs 27,000 crore on railway connectivity to NE
Maligaon, July 18: During the last 6 years, Rs 27,655 crore of Capital Investment was made by Indian Railways in North East Projects which is 160% more than the capital investment of Rs 10,610 made during 2009-14.
The major projects that were [...]