DAC clears capital acquisition worth over Rs 54,000 crore to enhance defence capabilities
New Delhi, March 20: Under the chairmanship of Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh, the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC), on March 20, 2025, accorded Acceptance of Necessity (AoNs) to eight capital acquisition proposals amounting to over Rs 54,000 [...]
Meghalaya Govt held State Level Mock Exercise on Earthquake Disaster held in Shillong
Shillong, March 20: The Department of Revenue & Disaster Management and the Meghalaya State Disaster Management Authority, in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, [...]
Bun ki nonghikai skul ki shu ai bylla sha ki kiwei ban hikai ha jaka jong ki: HNYF
Shillong, Lber 20: Ka Hynniewtrep National Youth Front (HNYF) Southern Border kala rai ban kyndang naphang ia ki skul sna iap kiba don ha khappud jong ka Mawsynram bad Ranikor C&RD Block.
Ia kane la pynpaw da u Bah Kyllang Shngain Thongni [...]
Ka sorkar kam dei ban thombor haba ia dei bad ka lynti rel ha ka bri u Hynniewtrep: KSU
Shillong, Lber 20: U President ka Khasi Students Union (KSU) u bah Lambokstarwell Marngar, u la phah ka khubor ka ba shai sha ka Sorkar Jylla ba kam dei ban thombor halor ka mat ban wanrah ia ka lynti rel ha ki thaiñ ka Bri u Hynniewtrep, ia [...]
Lum jingialang u director ka DREAMS ia ki seng samla ban ia kren ia ka jingjyllei u drok
Shillong, Lber 20: Ka Dreams Mission jong ka Sorkar Jylla ha ka 20 tarik Lber 2025 ka la pynlong ia ka jingialang ia ki Seng Samla Shnong halor ka thma pyrshah Droks .
Ha kane ka sngi ba pynlong ia ka jingialang la wan ban ia don bynta da [...]
Kem ki BSF 2 ngut ki nong India na Ichamati ba kit mar beain ba mut phah sha Bangladesh
Shillong, Lber 20: Ha ka jingiatreilang ha pdeng ki pulit bad ki shipai BSF la ioh ban bat ia kawei ka kali ka Tata Sumo na Ichamati bad la ioh ban kem ar ngut ki nong India kiba don ha kane ka kali namar ba kim lah ban pynshisha ia ki mar beain [...]
Meghalaya Govt issue notification issuance of birth certificates be kept in abeyance for 2 months
Shillong, March 20: The Commissioner and Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya of Health Department Dr.Joramn Beda IAS, today issued notification whereas it has been brought to the notice of the Government that the requirement of immunization [...]
The ECI has taken bold step strengthening election processes through digital training
Shillong, March 20: The Election Commission of India charts out bold steps towards strengthening election processes during past one month Digital training planned for continuous capacity augmentation of nearly 1 crore election officials Participation [...]
SWGH district conducts statewide earthquake mock drill simulating an 8.3 magnitude earthquake
Ampati, March 20: South West Garo Hills, under the supervision of the Deputy Commisioner incharge South West Garo Hills, Dolrich B.G. Momin, as the Responsible Officer, successfully conducted a statewide mock drill simulating an 8.3 magnitude [...]
Wan peit ki nongthoh khubor ba bar ka jylla ia ki sienjam ban pynduh ia ka jingpang TB
Shillong, Lber 20: Hapoh ka jingpeit jong ka tnad ka koit ka khiah jong ka sorkarpdeng, ka kynhun ki lad pathai khubor jong ka ri kaba don 8 ngut ki dkhot na New Delhi ki la leitjngoh mynta ka sngi ia ka Ri-Bhoi district ha Meghalaya ban bishar [...]