There are 39 persons were tested COVID-19 positive, total active cases in meghalaya are 202
Shillong, April 10: The Director of Meghalaya Health Services Dr. Aman War inform that today 39 persons were tested COVID-19 positive cases in the state. There are 202 active cases in the state.
Out of 39 new COVID-19 cases that was tested today, [...]
Dum buid ki briew ba tyrkhong ka tyllong umpohliew ha khlaw Mawlai Pudmawri
Shillong, Iaiong 10: Kane ka dei ka snem kaba ar ba tyllong um shyngiar ha Mawlai Phudmawri kaba don ha pdeng khlaw sorkar kala tyrkhong tang poi kane ka por pyrem bad kane ka jingryngat kane ka tyllong um kala pyndum buid ia ki ba don saw dong [...]
Ban kyntiew ia ki nongkyndong ha NE yn pyndon kam da ki kor tynrai: Dr Arun
Shillong, Iaiong 10: U Director General jong ka North East Centre for Technology Application and Researched (NECTER) u Dr Arunkumar Sarma u la ong ba ka jingangnud jong ki ka long ban kyntiew ia ki nongkyndong ha ka ka thain shatei lam mih ngi [...]
Da kaba but ryntih ia ki kyndon la pynlong ia ka shad Suk Mynsiem ha Madan Weiking
Shillong, Iaiong 10: Mynta ka sngi ka shad Suk Mynsiem bala pynlong da ka seng Khasi Seng kmie kaba la sngi lynter kala sdang ha Madan Weiking ha kaba ki nongshad ha kane ka sngi nohkjat baroh ki long 150 ngut, ki kynthei 54 ngut bad ki shynrang [...]
Kwah ka NECTER ban wanrah jingkylla ha Meghalaya lyngba ka saian bad Teknoloji
Shillong, Iaiong 10: Ka CSIR-CMERI ka la pyni ia ki teknoloji jong ka ha ka ‘Conclave bad Techno-Fair on Transforming Meghalaya State Through Science and Technology Interventions’ kaba la pynlong da ka North East Centre for Technology Application [...]
Pynkha shnat ka JSU ha khappud ban pynkhlain ia ka jingtrei kam ka seng ha EJH District
Shillong, Iaiong 10: Ka JSU sengkmie mynne ka sngi ka lah ioh ban pynkha thymmai iaka South Border Zone kaba kynthup ia ki 16 tylli ki shnong sha ka thaiñ East Jaintia Hills District.
Ka seng ka lah sngew donkam ban nang pynkhlaiñ ia ka tnat [...]
The Goverment of Meghalaya issued revised protocols to contain spread of COVID-19
Shillong, April 10: The Health Department Government of Meghalaya issued revised protocols for entry points whereas there is a surge in the number of COVID-19 cases in many States of the country with the possibility of the emergence of new strains [...]
The N.F Railway to run more kisan rail trains for transportation of potatoes
Maligaon, April 10: The Northeast Frontier Railway has decided to run more Kisan Rail trains for transportation of potatoes for the benefit of the farmers and transporters of the northeastern region.
Among these Kisan Rail trains, one train [...]
Three students of Brookside Adventist HSS bagged the best student award
Shillong, April 10: Three students of Brookside Adventist Higher secondary school,Shillong Louisa Kharkongor of Class X, Alfred Adison Kharsynniang and Hadassah Andrea Dkhar of Class XII Science and Arts respectively bagged the best student [...]
Felicitation programme of frontline workers and COVID warriors of EKH District
Shillong, April 10: The Commissioner and Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Smti R. Lyngdoh today felicitated frontline and COVID warriors of East Khasi Hills District during a felicitation programme of frontline workers [...]