Ban pyntip paidbah ki kam pynroi ka sorkar pdeng yn pyniaid paidbah da ki bike ka BJP
Shillong, Nohprah 16: Ka seng BJP ba dei jong ka Shillong City kan pynlong ia ka jingiaid paidbah da ki bike na madan Iewrynhep sha ophis jong ka party ban pynpaw paidbah ia ki skhim pynroi jong ka ka sorkar pdeng sha Meghalaya.
Ia kane ka jingiaid [...]
Kiba wan jingialang u Myntri Rangbah Duh ka Ri kin poi noh 9.30 baje mynstep ha Polo: DC
Shillong, Nohprah 16: Ka Deputy Commissioner jong ka East Khasi Hills District mynta ka sngi kala pyntip paidbah ba kito kiba la shah khot ban poi sha ka jingialang paidbah bala pynlong da ka North Eastern Council ban wan u mytnri rangbah duh [...]
Haba kren sha ki shipai ban jur u lat ka jylla ban don ka jingiajan ki paidbah bad ki shipai
Shillong, Nohprah 16: U Lat ka jylla Arunachal Pradesh bad Meghalaya Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd.) u la ai jingkren sha ki shipai ha ka jingialang kaba la long ha Eastern Air Command Headquarters, Upper Shillong.
Ha kane ka jignkren u la [...]
Jied ka OIA ia ki 14 ngut ki samla pule ka NE na skul bah NEHU ban leit sha ri Japan
Shillong, Nohprah 16: Ka Office International Affair (OIA) ba dei na ka skul bah NEHU kala jied ia ki 14 ngut ki samla pule ban leit sha Japan kane ka dei shibynta jong ka “Indo-Japan Cultural exchange program 2023”.
Ia kine la jied da ka [...]
Da ka jingialang paidbah ha Madan Polo pynlong ka NEC ban rakhe ia ka jingdap 50 snem
Shillong, Nohprah 16: ka North Eastern Council (NEC) la pynlong ia ka da ka ain bala shna da ka Parlament ha u snem 1971 ia kaba la plie ha nongbah Shillong ha ka 7th Naiwieng 1972 bad ha u Naiwieng kala dap 50 snem.
Ia kane ka jiggrakhe jong [...]
The Government of India has put in place Regulation of Online Gaming: Rajeev
New Delhi, Dec 16: The policies of the Government are aimed at ensuring an Open, Safe and Trusted and Accountable Internet for its users. With the expansion of the Internet and more and more Indians coming online, the potential for Indians being [...]
The NHIDCL and NIT Manipur sign MoU seeking and promoting innovative technologies
New Delhi, Dec 17: National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (NHIDCL), a CPSE under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Govt. of India, is seeking and promoting innovative technologies to find pragmatic solutions [...]
The Digital India campaign has emerged as a synonym for technology revolution in India
Gangtok, Dec 16: The Association of Indian Universities conducted its East Zone Vice-Chanclellors’ Meet 2022-23 from 13th-14th December 2022 which was hosted by the ICFAI University, Sikkim.
All the Vice-Chancellors of the Universities of [...]
Remains of fossil lizards and snakes discovered from a late Miocene hominid locality of India
New Delhi, Dec 16: Remains of fossil lizards and snakes have been discovered recently from a late Miocene hominid locality of India (dated 9.1 Million Years) in Haritalyangar, Himachal Pradesh, indicating a seasonally wet sub-humid to semi-arid [...]
The Prime Minister of India call on the President of Russian Federation Mr Putin
New Delhi, Dec 16: Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi had a telephone conversation today with His Excellency Mr Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation.
Following up on their meeting in Samarkand on the sidelines of the SCO [...]