Government decided that MBOSE should complete all evaluation by 31 May 2020

Shillong, April 22: Meghalaya Education Minister Mr Lahkmen Rymbui has call for the meeting of the Education Department on Tuesday with the official from the department to discuss on the evaluation of answer script of student who has written the HSSLC examination and SSLC.

In the meeting they have decided that, the Government will arrange curfew pass for all the evaluators immediately so that the process of evaluation can take place, inter District passes for evaluators coming from Shillong and Tura will be arranged.

The Government has decided to complete all evaluation to be completed by 31 May 2020 including the remaining paper not yet conducted; date of examination will be fixed keeping in this mind.The remaining examination will be conducted and planned by MBOSE for the 20th May onward for four days.

On the syllabus, MBOSE will work closely with the officers from the Directorate of Education Research and Training (DERT) to chart out the academic calendar for the remaining part of the year and during the discussion suggestion were made to truncate the summer vacation and Puja vacation.

To make Saturday half day to cover up the lost time, tentatively to make 15th December as working day to start the final examination from the 16th December and completed that examination by 23th December 2020. MBOSE and DERT will examine if some part of the syllabus can be adjust through self study method so that the syllabus can be completed by the above date.

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