NEIGRIHMS Hospital Shillong organizes Pre-Conference CME on Alzheimer’s disease

Shillong, November 05: The Department of Biochemistry at the North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) in Shillong, India, organized a Pre-Conference CME (ACCLMPCON 2024) on “Breaking Barriers”.

Advancement in Alzheimer’s Disease” on November 4, 2023with the aim of sensitizing the medical fraternity regarding the availability of CSF-based biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease, i.e. Beta Amyloid (Aβ42), Total Tau, and PhosphoTau, which will help in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease before the symptoms appear.

The CME was inaugurated in the presence of Chief Guest Prof. (Dr.) Nalin Mehta, Director of NEIGRIHMS Shillong. Other dignitaries present in the inaugural functions included Prof. (Dr.) Suvomoy Chakraborty, Dean (Academic) In-charge, and Prof. (Dr.) C. Daniala, MS, NEIGRIHMS Shillong.

Prof. (Dr.) Alice A. Ruram, HoD, Biochemistry, delivered the welcome address and briefly highlighted the role of Biomarkers in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

Prof. (Dr.) Suvomoy Chakraborty congratulated the Department of Biochemistry for this initiative. Prof. (Dr.) C. Daniala mentioned the integrated role of radiology and Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Prof. (Dr.) Nalin Mehta stressed upon the need for early diagnosis and treatment of Dementia in general and Alzheimer’s disease in particular as the incidence of the same is gradually increasing in the older population. He also suggested that younger doctors should be well equipped with the knowledge of Dementia diagnosis so that they can guide the patients for proper treatment.

Delegates and resource persons from different parts of the country as well as from different disciplines of Medicine attended the event and shared their knowledge and expertise in the field of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in particular.

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