Prime Minister of India will launching of Mission LiFE on World Environment Day

Shillong, May 31: In view of the World Environment Day to be held on the 5th June and the launching of Mission LiFE by the  Prime Minister of India at the Statue of Unity, Ekta Nagar, Kevadia, Gujarat, the Deputy Commissioner of East Khasi Hills District requested the people residing in East Khasi Hills District to actively take part in the celebration of the World Environment Day on the theme as follows:

Save energy- Switch off vehicle’s engine at red light, use led bulbs and tubelight, use public transport wherever possible, use smart switches for appliance that are frequently used, use bicycle for local or short commute, install community earthen pots for cooling water, use pure gas for cooking and electricity needs.

Prefer CNG or electric vehicles over petrol  diesel vehicles, switch off irrigation pumps after use, switch off appliances from plug points when not in use, install a solar water or solar cooker heater on rooftops, keep temperature of air conditioners to 24 degrees.

Prefer pressure cookers over other cookware, defrost fridge or freezer regularly, take the stairs instead of an elevator wherever possible, run outdoors instead of on a treadmill, use carpooling with friends and colleagues, keep your electronic devices in energy-saving mode and drive in the correct gear, keep your foot off the clutch when not changing gears.

Save water-Invest in a water metre for your house to measure water consumption regularly, Turn off running taps when not in active use, Practice crop diversification, Prefer cultivation of less water-intensive crops like millets, fix leaks in flushes, taps and waterpipes, create rainwater harvesting infrastructure in home, schools, offices.

Do not discard unused stored water every time the tap water supply resumes, use buckets instead of hose pipes to water plants, floors, vehicles, participate in recharge of rural water bodies through the Amrit Sarovar Scheme, reuse water from washed vegetables and the washing machine to water plants and for other purposes, use drip irrigation systems created with waste materials.

Wherever possible, use water-efficient fixtures for taps, showerheads, and toilet flush units, use efficient watersaving technologies (like micro-irrigation, bunding, laser levelling, farm ponds, zero tillage, direct seeded rice, alternate wetting and drying and others), pre-soak heavy pots and pans before washing them, prefer a water purification system that wastes less water, reuse water drained out from AC/RO for cleaning utensils and watering plants.

Say ‘No’ to single use plastic-Use recycled plastic over virgin plastic, wherever possible, use menstrual cups instead of sanitary napkins, prefer non-plastic eco-friendly cutlery during gatherings and events, use cloth bag for shopping instead of plastic bags, use steel,  recyclable plastic lunch boxes and water bottles.

Participate in and mobilize participation for clean-up drives of cities and water bodies, carry your own non-plastic water bottle wherever possible, cut the packaging bags used for milk, buttermilk, etc., only partially to avoid plastic bits from mixing into biodegradable waste, reuse glass containers, packaging plastic items as storage boxes and opt for bamboo toothbrushes and neem combs.

Reduce e-waste-Repair and use electronic devices over discarding the devices, Discard gadgets in nearest e-recycling units, use rechargeable lithium cells, prefer cloud storage over a pen drive / hard drive.

Adopt Sustainable Food System-Prefer locally available and seasonal foods, Include millets and nutri cereals in diets, compost food waste at home, prepare organic manure from cow dungs and apply to farms, use smaller plates for daily meals to save food wastage and create kitchen gardens/ terrace gardens at homes/ schools/ offices.

Reduce Waste-Use agricultural residue, animal waste for composting, manuring and mulching, recycle and reuse old newspapers, magazines and agricultural byproducts (coconut leaves, bamboo, jute/ coir and ash), contribute cattle waste, food waste, and agricultural waste to biogas plant (provided under GOBARDHAN), do not discard waste in water bodies and in public spaces.

Feed unused and uncooked vegetable leftovers to cattle, buy paper products made from recycled paper, donate old clothes and books, practice segregation of dry and wet waste at homes, do not let pets defecate in public places, set printer default to double-side printing and repair, reuse and recycle old furniture.

Adopt Healthy Lifestyles-Encourage use of indigenous herbs and medicinal plants, create and volunteer at community food and cloth banks, and at animal shelters, prefer consuming natural or organic products, avoid purchasing products,souvenirs made from skin, tuskers and fur of wild animals.

Plant trees to reduce the impact of pollution, initiate and,or join green clubs in your residential area, school, office, start biodiversity conservation at community level, plant medicinal plants such as neem, tulsi, giloy, mint, curry leaves, ashwagandha, etc., within household premises.


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