The DPRO Mairang held Special interactive at Mawtharap village WKH District

Mairang, Sept 17: A One day Special Interactive Programme (SIP) on the theme “Empowerment through Integration” was organized by the office of the Sub-Divisional Public Relations Officer, Mairang on 14thSeptember, 2018 at Mawtharap Village in the premises of Mawtharap Upper Primary School, SSA.

Hundreds of people and students from the village and its adjoining areas attended the programme which was chaired by Smt Noviana Passah, Sub  Divisional Public Relations Officer, Mairang Civil Sub-Division.

In the gathering she informed that the purpose of organizing the Special Interactive Programmeisto create a unique opportunity for the convergence of government departments and the intended beneficiaries that is the citizen in one platform where on one hand the government departments highlight the various schemes and programmes while on the other hand the intended beneficiaries or the citizen can hear first-hand about these schemes and raise queries or offer suggestions regarding such schemes.

The resource persons present at the SIP were Shri V Swer, (MCS) Block Development Officer, Mairang C&RD Block, Mairang, Smti E Marbaniang, Agriculture Development Officer, Mairang, Dr. T Wanshnong, AH & Vety Officer, Nongkhlaw, Shri P Syiem, Officer In Charge, Mairang PS and Dr. M Bareh, Medical Superintendent, Civil Hospital,Mairang who all spoke at length on matters relating to the activities and implementations of various schemes undertaken by their department for the welfare of the people.

The main highlight of the day was the interactive session in which a number of residents who attended the programme got an opportunity to interact directly with the officers and seek clarification on the various schemes and programmes of the government.

Earlier in the day, Shri S Sawkmie, Sordar of Mawtharap Village who delivered the welcome address, expressed his gratitude on behalf of the village to all the line departments who were present at the programme for sparing their valuable time to spread awareness about the scheme of their respective departments, while also urging upon his fellow residents of the village to take full benefit of what the programme has to offer.


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