The new governor of Meghalaya said “Coming to Shillong is like home coming”

Shillong, August 25: The New Governor of Meghalaya Mr Tothagata Roy said that “Coming to Shillong is like home coming I have spent my early childhood hear my next younger brother Mr Saugata Roy who is an MP now, he has been born here in Ganesh Das Hospital, at this city I know like the back of my hand all the way from Garikhana to Happy Valley.

The Governor said that “ of course the look of the city have change when we were children there were no traffic jam the building were all Assam type building and this monstrosities that have grown up now I would like to address this matter of the architecture of Shillong”.

In spite of everything “Shillong is Shillong I love it”, unfortunately  all my relative who were hear all died and their decedent have moved  all over the world and the last person to have been here, was his cousin very closed cousin he was a professor in St, Anthony’s College his name was Heralal Roy but he was known as Herol Roy, people called him Herol Roy.He was very famous during his own time, that was 30 years back, so i have very closed attached with this place and I am very happy to come here.

The new governor lamented on the  traffic jam in Shillong, the governor said, it is difficult to say so early; I have been associated with the traffic, because he have work with the Kolkatta metro project for 18 years and he known a few thing about traffic.

To his mind Shillong, the topography as such, “we don’t have widening of roads to a very large extent, we cannot also have fly over as such to a very large extent, in such circumstances what can be done is, as far I can see is emphasis on public transport rather than private transport”.

If public transport could be arrange road occupancy would be much less and private transport must be discourage in what way that is for the elected government to decide but this was the generally some ideas that he have toyed where ever he have notice with the traffic problem, said the Governor.


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